“Adam’s” Story

What were you doing when you were 17? I’m guessing you were taking the SATs, going to prom, spending time with friends and family and planning what your life would look like post high school. Imagine all of that being ripped away suddenly – being wrongfully accused of a crime you did not commit and spending almost a year locked in jail, all for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

 For “Adam,” this was a terrifying and harsh reality. Arrested just two months after his 17th birthday, Adam spent his entire senior year in jail, only to be released two weeks before what would have been his graduation day. Adam was locked up, alone and facing the isolation and challenges of incarceration. The year he lost was more than just time; it was missed opportunities, growth, and irreplaceable memories.

Adam was overcharged, falsely accused of a violent crime, and given an overloaded court-appointed attorney who did not visit him a single time while he sat in jail. Adam was treated as an adult and placed in the general population at the Harris County Jail–the largest adult county jail in Texas – where he sat for nine months before Restoring Justice was able to take on his case.

An attorney with the Foster Care Advocacy Center witnessed the horrific representation Adam was receiving and connected him with Restoring Justice. Once RJ took on Adam’s case, he was immediately given a lawyer and team of passionate individuals who provided and continue to provide client-centered criminal defense representation and holistic resource connections.

After the RJ attorney reviewed the evidence, it was clear that Adam was not guilty of what he was being accused of, and police misconduct was to blame. Recorded bodycam footage showed the alleged victim stated that Adam wasn’t the perpetrator, but the officer’s written statement contradicted the video evidence. All it took was a lawyer who was willing to challenge the State’s case and review the evidence against this young Black child. 

After about one month with RJ on his case, Adam’s charges were reduced, and he was free to move on with his life. By that point, however, there was only one month left of his senior year, and his former high school would not accept him back. Adam will forever be scarred by this gross miscarriage of justice.

In celebrating Juneteenth this month, we reflect on the legacy of U.S. slavery and the fragility of freedom as we remember that Texas was the last state to emancipate slaves. In Texas, 17-year-olds like Adam who are arrested are automatically sent to the adult justice system, regardless of how minor the alleged offense might be. Texas is one of only three states left to treat these teens as adults for criminal justice purposes. Stories like Adam’s show us how our great state is once again last in line to provide freedom for a vulnerable population, as Texas continues to lock up children, the majority of whom are children of color.

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