

In 2020, millions marched for Black lives after the murder of George Floyd to demand police accountability, exposing a common desire to end systems of injustice. Now, people are asking what they can do beyond the protests. We believe in knowledge as a critical part change, and with this principle in mind, we are excited to announce the Restoring Justice Ambassador program!

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Having honest conversations with friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors is integral to this movement for change. Join us in building community and advocating for disproportionately criminalized populations in Harris County and across the country. Restoring Justice Ambassadors will utilize educational resources to facilitate conversations, and all participants will emerge with ways to take action toward ending mass incarceration. Restoring Justice will then participate with you in a dual presentation put on by someone on staff!

What to expect

Our Ambassador program consists of 3-4 options depending on your availability, and what appeals most to you: 

  1. A personalized email with reading materials/literature for you and your community 

  2. Meeting with our staff, volunteers, and possibly clients at our office to discuss the mission & values.

  3. Dual presentation in your community! You and a person from our staff can do a personalized presentation on ending mass incarceration for the community

  4. Flexible Time Commitment: We would love to invite you and your community to our next volunteer event, we have an entire calendar for fun with the team. We can add you to the email list and get it rolling. 

Questions? Email us at!

Educational Materials