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Your tax-deductible donations allow us to provide legal representation, resource connections, trauma-informed counseling, and volunteer support for people in and outside of the courts. We believe client-centered representation is an integral step towards our mission of ending mass incarceration one client and heart at at time. Restoring Justice’s tax exempt I.D. number is 81-3279488. Thank you for making our work possible.

^Highest Seal of Transparency Possible^


Other Ways to Give

Donations via check or money order may be given by mail. Please make donations payable to "Restoring Justice" and indicate any designations on the memo line.

Restoring Justice
P.O. Box 2813
Houston, TX 77252

If you have a donor-advised fund (DAF), you can easily designate a gift to Restoring Justice here!

If you have any questions, please call 713-739-9455 or email

The tax advantages and benefit to us of giving appreciated assets instead of cash is great! Follow the instructions here to donate assets to Restoring Justice!

If you have any questions, please call 713-739-9455 or email

Call 832-703-4660 to make a donation by phone. A Restoring Justice staff member will assist you and answer any questions you may have about your contribution.

Text "SHALOM" to 53-555. We'll reply with a link to donate!

Have questions? Contact our Chief of Staff at



We provide client-centered, holistic trial-level representation for accused people who cannot afford nor has the system provided adequate counsel, therefore stuck in county jail.


Through the first of its kind partnership, every client is offered free therapy as they navigate the trauma associated with facing criminal accusations in America’s system. Affected family members of this trauma are also served through this partnership.


Each client is matched with a loving, client-centered Social Worker who walks and guides them through any barriers they may face. They are then given adequate resources to overcome such obstacles.


The marginalized are often pushed against a wall by society, but volunteers will join them at this wall and always stand in their corner for and with them, regardless of past, present, and future mistakes.